MDG 317 0801-2
Rudolf Innig, Orgel
Kuhn Orgel St. Anton, Zürich
Josef Rheinberger (1839-1901)
Complete Organ Works Vol. 11
Sonata No. 16 op. 175
Micellaneen op. 174
Excerpts from the booklet
The Kuhn Organ in the Church of St. Anthony in Zurich
When the Kuhn organ was inaugurated in the Church of St. Anthony (St. Anton) in 1914, it reflected the state of the art of early twentieth-century organ design and was regarded as an ultramodern instrument in which »all the serious attainments of modern organ building found employment, « as the Neue Züricher Nachrichten stated at the time. This statement applied to the organ’s pneumatic key action and stop action as well as to the detached console (a smaller copy of the console in St. Sulpice in Paris), which with its two free and six set combinations, two swell pedals, crescendo pedal, suboctave and superoctave couplers, numerous single cancel buttons, and other playing aids is just as strongly impressive as the cockpit of a modern passenger aircraft. (Rudolf Innig)
Excerpts from the reviews
„Rudolf Innig hat sich im Laufe seiner lange währenden Beschäftigung mit Rheinberger eine nahezu unanfechtbare Kompetenz angeeignet, die ihn zum Maß aller Dinge auf diesem Gebiet macht. Mit der neuen Einspielung stellt er seine Souveränität erneut eindrucksvoll unter Beweis. Spannend, fein abgestuft ist Interpretation in den Sonaten, glasklar in den Trios. Spieltechnische Hürden scheint Innig nicht zu kennen. Die Registrierung überzeugt, die Aufnahme hat Referenzcharakter. Die Orgel wird detailliert vorgestellt, die Registrierung taktgenau angegeben, Rudolf Innigs Begleittext zeugt von einmaliger Rheinberger – Kompetenz. „(Klassik.Com, 2005)
„Rudolf Innig is a fantastic organist, and his technical proficiency demonstrated on this CD is amazing. Rheinberger’s music, like that of so many other organ composers of the period, is often not only technically difficult, but musically challenging. Innig manages to find and bring to us the full power and emotion of these works.” (Musicweb International.Com, 2005)